Jesus, one person of the three-in-one God, came to offer humanity a new way of life. So much of our lives apart from Jesus are filled with strife, shame, insecurity, and sin. Surrendering your life to Jesus is declaring both belief in Him as Lord and Savior. We lay down our pride and control and invite Him to lead our life; and through the Holy Spirit, to transform our minds and desires to glorify him. Through our surrender, Jesus offers the fullness of life that only comes through Him.

Galatians 5:22 states:
“Christ’s Spirit produces these things inside of us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”

When we decide to turn from our way of life and give our life to Jesus, to ask Him for forgiveness from our sin, His promise is giving us His abundant life and grace, and a future assurance that we will be fully united with Him one day and for all eternity.

Romans 10:9 says:
“If you declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

The next step after you have surrendered your life to Jesus is to be baptized! This is a public declaration that you now belong to Jesus and your life is dedicated to Him.

Pray this prayer:
“Jesus, I’ve tried for far too long to do life without you. I desperately need you. I long to know you deeply and be known by you deeply. Fill me with your Spirit so that I may experience the fullness of life that you offer. Forgive me for the wrong that I have done and give me the strength to forgive myself and others. My life is yours! Amen.”